The central piece of Fridvalszki’s works is an orange overall suit designed for test pilots of the U.S. Air Force. Patches added by the artist, with slogans such as ”Ad Futura, Ad Inexplorata”, (Into the Future, Into the Unknown), or ”Towards the Light, Forward and Up’’ (quote by Laura Huxley, 1963) suggest that there might still be a way out of our multilayered crises, physically or spiritually. A way of transcending our gloomy earthly realities and exploring other, brighter spaces, within ourselves, in the universe, in the future. As often in Fridvalszki’s work, the ensemble, which also includes wallpaper and a selection of pigment transfer, paintings and prints, plays with diverse associations to science fiction fantasies, altered states of consciousness, and artistic experimentation. It encourages us to be able to imagine a future again, to ”fight ourselves through the grey cloud”. – SJCH Collective |